Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hi everyone!

This is my first cooking blog. I am a student at the University of California Davis, majoring in Exercise Biology / Kinesiology. I love to run, play tennis, cook, and... I also have a small obsession with fashion blogs =)

The main purpose of this website if for me to journal my cooking adventures, distasters, experiments, and what have you. I hope to write a cookbook within the next two or three years, so I will probably write a lot about what I am learning along the way. I will also share with you some of the things I've learn in my food science, nutrition, exercise biology courses. Most (if not all) of my recipes will be fairly college-student / budget-friendly.

Guest posts may be featured!

Well, stay tuned and I hope to make my next post very soon!

1 comment:

Junshien said...

hey Viv! wow... congrats on starting this blog. keep it up! :)