Sunday, October 12, 2008

Run for your lives

This weekend was pretty low-key.

SATURDAY: I completed my usual morning run with GVH and did some grocery shopping at our local Farmer's market. At night, my roommate and I headed over to the downtown Starbucks to study. I ordered the green tea latte and worked on some readings and my nutrition essay.

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(google-d photo)

TIP OF THE DAY: If you plan to enjoy your entire drink at the Starbucks, try requesting it in a mug! They will take 10 cents off your order! I paid for a grande (medium) sized drink but barista ended up making it a venti since the mug was so large (or maybe they just forgot). Score! double savings! Hmm... I wonder if they do this at all other cafes. I discovered this discount when I looked back at my receipt the next day. Regardless, I really enjoy my winter drinks in a nice heavy mug, somehow it becomes more savory (in my head, of course). It's not a huge saving but hey knowledge is power =P

SUNDAY: I volunteered with the UCD pre-pharmacy club at the Run for your Lives 5K/10K race. We and several members from a pre-medicine club coordinated a booth to provide free blood pressure checks, heart rate readings and BMI computations for the runners.

I love and hate races. I only hate being there when I can not run myself. However, seeing other runners just makes me so happy. I think, "Wow, you're running! I run, too! You enjoy it? Me, too!" I could go on and on about running but I'll save that for another entry. Anyways, this was a local race so a lot of members from my running club were participating. The club members often wear a bright yellow GVH singlets; this makes it super easy for us to identify and cheer loudly for one another at races.

Luckily, I had some free time and got to visit the other booths at the race's "health expo."

Here is a photo of my free goodies!

While my weekend was very relaxing, it is still the calm before the storm. I have two midterms this week (Food Science & Nutrition) and a short oral report (Current topics in Nutrition). Wish me luck!

I like to keep my entries short (and sweet) so I'll post again in a little while.

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